Assignment 6: Off-lattice simulation of the hard-disk fluid in 2-d


Write a Monte Carlo code for a system of 225 disks confined within a box of size 40x40. Each disk has radius 1, which means they overlap if their center-to-center separation is less than 2.


Option 1: use periodic boundary conditions, and calculate both g(r) and mean square displacement vs time. For g(r), use concentric circles with spacing of 0.2 between them.


Option 2: use hard boundaries; calculate density as a function of x near the hard wall, using x-increments of size 0.2. Calculate also the mean square displacement as a function of time.


Note: the fact that rmax is fluctuating means that your mean square displacement may not be linear. However its continued growth is a sign that the system is in a fluid state and is not a glass.


Here is a meta-code to get you started. Details are included for calculating the pair correlation function.


Set up data structures

n=225 number of particles

nsteps=100000 number of monte carlo steps

define arrays x(n),y(n) these are particle positions

define arrays dx(n),dy(n) these are particle displacements from initial



Data structures for the cell list

define array num(20,20) counts how many particles are in

      cell number icell,jcell

define array clist(20,20,10) lists the particles contained in

      cell number icell,jcell

define some real variables: dxcell=2.,dycell=2. these are cell sizes

define some integer variables: nxcells=20,nycells=20 number of cells in

      x,y, directions


define some real variables:

  hx=40,hy=40   these are my cell dimensions

  rmax=1.0   this is my initial max step size for mc steps

  theta   this is a random angle for mc steps

  rho0 this is the average number density of particles, = n/(hx*hy)

  pi=4.*atan(1.0),   twopi=pi*2.0


define variables for calculating g(r)

   dr=0.2  spacing of concentric circles

   if we go out to a distance of r=10 that gives us 50 circles

   define real array g(50), this is g(r) for the current configuration

   define real array gsave(50), a running average of g(r) over time

   define integer array kount(50) counts how many particle pairs are

      separated by a given distance

   define integer kountg  counts how many configs of g(r) are     included in our running average



 initialize the random number generator with a seed of your choice


      call srand(iseed)


      open a data file called r2ms.dat to store mean square displacement vs time


      zero out dx(n),dy(n) arrays

      zero out g(50),gsave(50), and set kountg=0



      set up initial configuration by putting particles at the sites of             a 15x15 lattice with spacing 2.66




      do 1 ii=1,15

         do 2 jj=1,15




 2       continue

 1    continue


 Loop on istep=1 to nsteps


 refresh the cell list

       do 50 i=1,nxcells

          do 51 j=1,nycells


             do 52 k=1,10


  52         continue

  51      continue

  50   continue


       do 60 i=1,n





 60   continue


 set naccept=0


 Loop itry=1,n


 pick a particle ip at random between 1 and n, save its x and y positions


 figure out what cell it's in: icellold, jcellold


 pick a random step size r between 0 and rmax


 pick a random angle theta between 0 and twopi


 move particle ip


 if it went outside the periodic boundaries, add or subtract the boxsize to get it back in bounds


 figure out what cell it's in now, call that icell,jcell


 if not the same cell, add the particle to its new cell





 CHECK for overlaps:


      step 1: loop on ic0=icell-1 to icell+1



        if ic<1 then ic=ic+nxcells

        if ic>nxcells then ic=ic-nxcells


      step 2: loop on jc0=jcell-1 to jcell+1



        if jc<1 then jc=jc+nycells

        if jc>nycells then jc=jc-nycells



      are there any particles in cell ic,jc?


      if so, loop over them, k=1,num(ic,jc)




      if ip and jp aren't the same particle, calculate the distance squared between them using periodic bc's


      if the distance squared is less than 4, there is an overlap, so put particle ip back where it was before, and go to next itry.


        next k


        next jc0


        next ic0


        made it all the way through with no overlaps, it's a success, hurray!        naccept=naccept+1

        add new step to the displacement arrays




        next itry


check acceptance rate and adjust rmax as needed

      lower rate threshold is 15%, upper rate threshold is 25%


      if istep=100,200,300.... then let's print some data and make some



      open a data file disk1.dat, dump x(i),y(i) for the current config


      find the mean square displacement from your arrays dx(n),dy(n),

      and write it into the data file r2ms.dat


      calculate the pair correlation function in the present

      configuration and add it to the running average. Here is my fortran code for this part. First, zero  out the kount(50) and g(50) arrays


           do 499 ir=1,50



 499        continue


        Now, loop on all pairs, calculate distance between, convert it to an integer ir, and increment kount(ir) by one.


            do 500 i=1,n-1

               do 501 j=i+1,n








 501           continue

 500         continue


Now normalize g(ir) by the area between the outer and inner circles. There are several other factors which we can talk about in class.


Accumulate a running sum of g(50) in the array gsave(50). Increment

kountg by one for every configthat goes into the running average.


      g.dat is the g(r) for the current config only

      gsave.dat is the average g(r) over the whole run





             do 510 ir=1,50












 510         continue




      next istep


      close data files

      all done!